

bool ResTable_config::match(const ResTable_config& settings) const {
    if (imsi != 0) {
        if (mcc != 0 && mcc != settings.mcc) {
            return false;
        if (mnc != 0 && mnc != settings.mnc) {
            return false;
    if (locale != 0) {
        // Don't consider the script & variants when deciding matches.
        // If we two configs differ only in their script or language, they
        // can be weeded out in the isMoreSpecificThan test.
        if (language[0] != 0
            && (language[0] != settings.language[0]
                || language[1] != settings.language[1])) {
            return false;

        if (country[0] != 0
            && (country[0] != settings.country[0]
                || country[1] != settings.country[1])) {
            return false;

    if (screenConfig != 0) {
        const int layoutDir = screenLayout&MASK_LAYOUTDIR;
        const int setLayoutDir = settings.screenLayout&MASK_LAYOUTDIR;
        if (layoutDir != 0 && layoutDir != setLayoutDir) {
            return false;

        const int screenSize = screenLayout&MASK_SCREENSIZE;
        const int setScreenSize = settings.screenLayout&MASK_SCREENSIZE;
        // Any screen sizes for larger screens than the setting do not
        // match.
        if (screenSize != 0 && screenSize > setScreenSize) {
            return false;

        const int screenLong = screenLayout&MASK_SCREENLONG;
        const int setScreenLong = settings.screenLayout&MASK_SCREENLONG;
        if (screenLong != 0 && screenLong != setScreenLong) {
            return false;

        const int uiModeType = uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE;
        const int setUiModeType = settings.uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE;
        if (uiModeType != 0 && uiModeType != setUiModeType) {
            return false;

        const int uiModeNight = uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT;
        const int setUiModeNight = settings.uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT;
        if (uiModeNight != 0 && uiModeNight != setUiModeNight) {
            return false;

        if (smallestScreenWidthDp != 0
                && smallestScreenWidthDp > settings.smallestScreenWidthDp) {
            return false;
    if (screenSizeDp != 0) {
        if (screenWidthDp != 0 && screenWidthDp > settings.screenWidthDp) {
            //ALOGI("Filtering out width %d in requested %d", screenWidthDp, settings.screenWidthDp);
            return false;
        if (screenHeightDp != 0 && screenHeightDp > settings.screenHeightDp) {
            //ALOGI("Filtering out height %d in requested %d", screenHeightDp, settings.screenHeightDp);
            return false;
    if (screenType != 0) {
        if (orientation != 0 && orientation != settings.orientation) {
            return false;
        // density always matches - we can scale it.  See isBetterThan
        if (touchscreen != 0 && touchscreen != settings.touchscreen) {
            return false;
    if (input != 0) {
        const int keysHidden = inputFlags&MASK_KEYSHIDDEN;
        const int setKeysHidden = settings.inputFlags&MASK_KEYSHIDDEN;
        if (keysHidden != 0 && keysHidden != setKeysHidden) {
            // For compatibility, we count a request for KEYSHIDDEN_NO as also
            // matching the more recent KEYSHIDDEN_SOFT.  Basically
            // KEYSHIDDEN_NO means there is some kind of keyboard available.
            //ALOGI("Matching keysHidden: have=%d, config=%d\n", keysHidden, setKeysHidden);
            if (keysHidden != KEYSHIDDEN_NO || setKeysHidden != KEYSHIDDEN_SOFT) {
                //ALOGI("No match!");
                return false;
        const int navHidden = inputFlags&MASK_NAVHIDDEN;
        const int setNavHidden = settings.inputFlags&MASK_NAVHIDDEN;
        if (navHidden != 0 && navHidden != setNavHidden) {
            return false;
        if (keyboard != 0 && keyboard != settings.keyboard) {
            return false;
        if (navigation != 0 && navigation != settings.navigation) {
            return false;
    if (screenSize != 0) {
        if (screenWidth != 0 && screenWidth > settings.screenWidth) {
            return false;
        if (screenHeight != 0 && screenHeight > settings.screenHeight) {
            return false;
    if (version != 0) {
        if (sdkVersion != 0 && sdkVersion > settings.sdkVersion) {
            return false;
        if (minorVersion != 0 && minorVersion != settings.minorVersion) {
            return false;
    return true;



  1. IMSI
  2. 语言
  3. 国家
  4. UI mode(白天or黑夜)
  5. 屏幕大小
  6. 最小宽度DPI
  7. 屏幕密度
  8. 屏幕方向
  9. 系统version


* 唯一地识别移动客户所属的国家,我国为460;MNC为网络id,由2位数字组成,
* 用于识别移动客户所归属的移动网络,中国移动为00,中国联通为01,中国电信为03;MSIN为移动客户识别码,采用等长11位数字构成。
* 唯一地识别国内GSM移动通信网中移动客户。所以要区分是移动还是联通,只需取得SIM卡中的MNC字段即可
String imsi = telManager.getSubscriberId();
        if(imsi.startsWith("46000") || imsi.startsWith("46002")){//因为移动网络编号46000下的IMSI已经用完,所以虚拟了一个46002编号,134/159号段使用了此编号
        }else if(imsi.startsWith("46001")){
        }else if(imsi.startsWith("46003")){

IMSI:国际移动用户识别码(唯一标识),IMSI = MCC + MNC + MSIN,其中MCC是指移动台国家代码(3 位,中国460),MNC是指移动网代码(2 位中国00),MSIN是指移动用户识别号码 (10 位 )
  MCC:Mobile Country Code,移动国家码,MCC的资源由国际电联(ITU)统一分配和管理,唯一识别移动用户所属的国家,共3位,中国为460;
  MNC:Mobile Network Code,移动网络码,共2位,中国移动TD系统使用00,中国联通GSM系统使用01,中国移动GSM系统使用02,中国电信CDMA系统使用03,一个典型的IMSI号码为460030912121001;
  MSIN:Mobile Subscriber Identification Number共有10位,其结构如下: